300 teams of RAB on the ground for the safety of the people during the blockade
300 teams of RAB on the ground for the safety of the people during the blockade

300 teams of RAB on the ground for the safety of the people during the blockade


300 teams of RAB on the ground for the safety of the people during the blockade

Various political parties, including the BNP, have been working to ensure the safety and security of the people and the law and order situation during the two-day blockade of Dhaka.

On Sunday (5 November), the director of the legal and media wing of RAB, Commander Khondaker Al Moin, confirmed the information.

He said that various political parties have announced a nationwide blockade program for two days from today. In addition to ensuring the safety of the people and their property, RAB forces have taken security measures to protect the national assets. To ensure security across the country, nearly 300 teams of 15 battalions of RAB forces, including 70 teams in the capital, will be deployed.

He also said that in addition to this, nationwide intelligence surveillance activities will continue. If anyone plans any sabotage or violence, he will be identified and brought under the law. RAB’s special team and striking force are reserved to deal with any situation.

RAB’s spokesperson said that recently, criminals and terrorists have carried out sabotage and violence in various places in the country. Those who were involved in such sabotage and violence were identified and brought under the law by analyzing CCTV footage, video footage and other information.

Recently, some people have been spreading various provocative information, false information or rumors online, centering on the political programs of various parties; they have been editing various types of videos and sharing them on social media to create panic among the people. RAB’s cyber monitoring team is keeping an eye on the cyber world to identify and bring all the criminals under the law.