Tragic Jhalakathi Bus Crash: Unlicensed Bus Driver
Tragic Jhalakathi Bus Crash: Unlicensed Bus Driver

Tragic Jhalakathi Bus Crash: Unlicensed Bus Driver


A deadly disaster that occurred in Jhalakathi, Bangladesh, claimed multiple lives and seriously injured numerous people in a shocking tragedy that rocked the country. An unsettling discovery has been made during investigation into the tragic accident: the bus driver who caused the catastrophe lacked the necessary license to drive the vehicle. This information not only calls into question the driver's competency but also emphasizes the urgent need for stricter enforcement of the laws controlling the nation's transportation sector.

In Jhalakathi, a horrible bus accident happened on (Jul 23, 2023) 9:45am, leaving the entire country in sadness. A disastrous consequence resulted from the unfortunate bus' collision with another vehicle while transporting a sizable number of passengers.