Lebanon is now in Dhaka to play against Bangladesh

Lebanon is now in Dhaka to play against Bangladesh

Dhaka came to Lebanon this morning after playing a World Cup qualifying match with United Arab Emirates Palestine last night. Kings Arena Bangladesh will face Lebanon on November 21 in Dhaka.

Bangladesh team is on its way to China from Australia even though the opponent team Dhaka has set foot. Bangladesh's national football team will reach Dhaka tonight after stopping the journey from China to Guangzhou.

Lebanon drew goalless with Palestine yesterday. After playing the match at night, Lebanon left for Bangladesh in the early morning and arrived at 8 am Bangladesh time. It takes two hours to complete the formalities at the airport. The team is scheduled to practice in the afternoon after resting for a few hours at the hotel.

According to international rules, the team must be present 48 hours before the match. Lebanon arrived four days ago. The additional two days will be borne by Lebanon itself. Domestic travel and incidental expenses for November 19-21 will be borne by the Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF).

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